"Scopic Regimes of Modernity" by Martin Jay
. 'Renaissance notions of perspective in the visual arts and Cartesian ideas of subjective rationality in philosophy.'
. 'Italian Renaissance art, for all its fascination with the techniques of perspective, still held fast to the storytelling function for which they were used.'
. 'This world, moreover, is not contained entirely within the frame of the Albertian window, but seems instead to extend beyond it.'
. Baroque (visual experience): painterly, recessional, soft-focused, multiple, open, dazzling, disorienting, ecstatic surplus of images, fascination of opacity, unreadability, indecipherability of the reality it depicts, self-consciously revels in the contradictions between surface and depth, strong tactile or haptic quality, self-consciously eschewed the model of intellectual clarity expressed in a literal language purified of ambiguity, 'madness of vision', more in line with visual impulse than the art of mere describing.
i just knew that the scopic regime i kind of like is called Baroque...probably should read "la folie du voir" by Buci-Glucksmann if I want to look deeper into this.
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